Quality Management


We deliver assured quality based on a logistics quality system founded on the two perspectives of a manufacturer and of a logistics provider.

Initiatives towards quality

Logistics is the last bastion of quality. We are engaged in activities to provide the highest quality in logistics.

We have built a logistics quality management system founded on the perspectives of a manufacturer as well as a logistics provider; a feat which only we, as a logistics subsidiary of NHK Springs, can achieve.

  • Quality inspection
    ・Worker skill assessment
    ・Quality patrol
    ・Inspection of compliance with work standards
  • Changeover management
    ・Initial flow monitoring
    ・Regular changeover management
    ・Management of changes in processes
  • Risk management and remediation measures
    ・Promotion of quality improvement activities
    ・QA network
    ・Measures to prevent recurrences of risk
  • Quality education and instruction
    ・Education to analyze the "Whys"
    ・Forklift training
    ・New employee training
  • Quality exchanges with affiliates and cooperating companies
    ・Joint patrols
    ・Joint quality committees
    ・Quality award system
  • Voluntary activities
    ・TQC circle activities
    ・System for proposing improvements
    ・Close call activities
Quality patrol
(Evaluation scene)
Quality patrol
(Instruction scene)
Forklift training
Companywide TQC Presentation Event


We are making daily efforts to enhance transport quality including acquiring ISO certification and improving safe driving techniques.

We acquired the ISO9001:2015, the international standard for quality management and assurance.
We rigorously practice quality management by establishing a reliable, in-house quality system.

Quality (ISO9001:2015)

*Click to enlarge.

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